Tuesday, August 31, 2010

just do

Wow I missed yesterdays blog post, I had such a long day. Got up later, around 6.30 was at work by 8 and I had a work event last night so I got home at 8pm a full 12hours of work.. wow.. I had wanted to do laundry this morn but forget it, I slept from 9pm till 7am this morn.. but I have to say this is the first time in a while I feel like I have my energy back. This past couple of weeks, I got pretty lazy with my life coach stuff and pretty much everything in general and really I think its because I really just needed to rest up.

I am excited to have found out yesterday that I might be able to right my exam to be a Registered Interior Designer sooner than I had originally thought, that would be great. I am also excited its started to rain today, not weenie rain, big rain, this means fall is coming I LOVE fall, and it also means that I can get back into my books, September just feels like the right time to study!!

Anyhow gots to get back to work, long day again today and ending it with training!!!


  1. whatcha studying? wait I thought you were already and interior designer, no?

  2. I am Studying my LEED program, Leadership in Energy and Enviormental Design. I have also been looking into getting my RID, registared interior design
