I have a pattern that I am working on breaking, I go really fast with everything... everything and it is not serving me. Yesterday while training Jade told me to slow down... like S L O W D O W N............. of course this was great, I got more out of the 20 ab reps in that moment than the last week of ab work. I was able to focus on what I was doing and really reap the benefits of the ab work. HELLO why would I not do that with EVERYTHING in my life... slow down and focus....
Professional athletes do what they do so well because they slow down during their practice and focus on every moment allowing their minds to connect to the actions. This practice allows for calm breathing and focused thoughts, so when in the middle of a race or game their thoughts are 100% clear and focused to make spit second decisions to succeed.
I was practicing this morning, with even just my body brushing before my shower and how I had my shower this morning. It really helped me relax for my day.
I think it really hit home yesterday with the ab exercise because I don't think I realized how much I needed to slooooooooooow down..
I think I have to opposite problem.. if I slow down much more I may just die....