Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Limiting Beliefs

The only limits we have are the ones we place on ourselfs.

When there is something that you think, I cannot do, I don't know how... these are core beliefs that we have placed on ourselfs. It isn't something we do intentionally, or that we may even be aware of, but the reality is once we are aware that we have these we can question what our beliefs are and get past them if we are willing.

I don't think I can commit to a realtionship...
I don't know how to let people in....
I don't know how to go in, and discover more about me....
I can't run...
I can't lift that....
I can't keep going...
I can't save money...

These are some of mine and some that I have already got past. The thing is we create everything twice, first in thought then in action, so if even at the base thoughts of our creations, we are doubting ourselfs, how on earth are we supposed to get to the action part if we are shutting ourselfs down before we even do.

I have been thinking about this... my big one that I realized yesterday was I was telling myself the top 3,

I I don't think I can commit to a relationship...
I don't know how to let people in....
I don't know how to go in, and discover more about me....

Once I wrote these down I started to ask... is this true, is this what I truley believe, am I able to influance and create the new thought. YES YES YES because we are the creators.

Of course I can commit to be in a relationship... I have before.. I am more aware now, the same things that happened before cannot happen again unless I let them. I am able to commit to other things, I have committed to myself for the last 2 years to get fit and healthy, I have committed and completed my schooling.

I don't know how to let people in, that's just silly, of course I can let people in. That's what rich relationships with friends and family is. I already have that, but the fact that I was telling myself that I didn't know how has put a brick wall between myself and those rich relationships because I PUT IT THERE.

I don't know how to go in, and discover more about me.... this isn't true.. nor is it serving me, I have done the worst thing, I have placed that same brick wall up for my self. How can you place a wall somewhere that doesn't exist. How do I not let myself in to myself... that's like how do I get in the car that I am already sitting in? Well you cant because your already there.

Look at where I am now - I have moved to Vancouver by myself, I have completed and excelled at my design schooling, I have acquired many skills in design and building, and am working at a company for 3 years now in design, with TWO design awards... and loosing 30 pounds, running a 10k and 5k race....

WHAT AM I HOLDING BACK FOR? If I achieved all of this in 5 years, without being at the level of awareness I am now... I ask myself truly, what am I capable of at this level of awareness!

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